The Cherokee County School Board on Thursday, Jan. 13, reviewed a progress report on accomplishing Blueprint strategic plan goals and heard operational updates including the planned expansion of CCSD’s school choice program.
Before meeting with Ms. Cole, the head of school, in the weeks leading up to winter break, I had to make an appointment with her assistant. On the Wednesday of our interview, I walked into her room and saw stacks and stacks of papers on her desk and at the table where she was working.
The Cherokee County School District winners of the annual PTA Reflections fine arts contest have been named, with top district winners now advancing to state competition!
The Cherokee County School District on Friday, Jan. 28, will host a virtual job fair for applicants for Special Education positions for next school year including: board certified behavior analysts, educational audiologists, occupational and physical therapists, physical and health impairment teachers, school psychologists, Special Education facilitators, speech language pathologists and vision teachers.
As the nation’s communities have grown in complexity through innovation and technological advances, the potential for massive economic damage in the wake of disasters has increased.
Six major health systems that serve metro Atlanta and the state of Georgia have unified to address the public regarding the latest COVID-19 impacts and the result of the rapid spread of the Delta and Omicron variants.