Andrew S. Clyde tweeted the following:
"The First Amendment is alive and well.Yet the federal government is circumventing the Constitution by using Big Tech to carry out its bidding of censoring Americans speech.My Free Speech Defense Act ends this government-by-proxy censorship."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Andrew S. Clyde:
"By using social media companies like Facebook and Twitter as private sector proxies to carry out its bidding, the federal government is brazenly infringing on Americans civil liberties and dangerously violating our Constitution.My Free Speech Defense Act ends this injustice."Read on Twitter
"Today I introduced the Free Speech Defense Act to eliminate government-by-proxy censorship.Learn more on my efforts to protect Americans freedom of"Read on Twitter
"The federal governments collusion with Big Tech to suppress and censor Americans speech is dangerous and completely unconstitutional.My Free Speech Defense Act will eliminate this government-by-proxy censorship once and for"Read on Twitter